Terms & Conditions
The Village of Ruidoso is committed to creating a safe and enjoyable entertainment experience. In order to provide an exceptional event experience for all attendees and the entertainers the following protocols will be enforced:
Clear Bag Policy. Guests will be permitted to enter the event venue with clutch purses that do not exceed 6.5×4.5” or clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC bags that do not exceed 12x6x12” (or one-gallon clear plastic bags). Clear bags will be for sale near the entrance. Security officers will be checking all bags at the entrance, and guests will be screened for weapons and contraband.
Weapons of any type, video cameras, laser pointers, skateboards, Go Pro type cameras, drones, coolers, and animals (with the exception of service animals to assist guests with disabilities) are among prohibited items. Only one sealed bottle of water (under 17 oz.) will be allowed. Other outside beverages and food are prohibited.
Children under the age of 13 are NOT allowed in the VIP section.
Umbrellas will only be allowed in designated areas of the General Admission section. Raincoats and ponchos are allowed.
Attendees that purchase General Admission tickets cannot bring their own chairs into the event. However, there will be chairs for sale inside the event.
Attendees may not engage in fighting, throwing objects or other behavior deemed detrimental to the experience of other guests and those who engage in any of these actions will immediately be removed from the venue.
Attendees are encouraged to report inappropriate behavior to event staff.
Attendees who choose to consume alcohol must do so in a legal and responsible manner. Intervention with an intoxicated or impaired fan will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
Attendees shall comply with requests from arena staff regarding arena operational and emergency procedures.
Attendees may not engage in unauthorized commercial activity while on the Wingfield Park/ Village of Ruidoso property.
Violation of this Code of Conduct may result in eviction from the venue without a ticket refund.
The event is rain or shine. Venue policy is no refunds or exchanges in the event of rain, event delay, and/or evacuation. Raincoats and ponchos are allowed.